The new building is very impressive. But I still miss the tiny red brick building that used to the National Library I knew as a kid.
It’s pretty conveniently located. Not attached to Bugis MRT (which would be lovely for super lazy people like me), but you can walk towards Intercontinental Hotel and it’s located just across the road.
When I was there I witnessed many people occupying sofa seats to sleep. They were soon nudged and awoken by the library staff. At first they tried to ignore the nudges, but soon they could not pretend to sleep any longer. I guess it’s fair enough as it was quite impossible to get a seat. But I can also understand that they probably just wanted a place to escape to, where air-conditioning was free and you don’t have to pay for a drink to sit in a library. They didn’t pretend very well though. Didn’t even pick up a book to read. Tough job for the library staff as well.